Buff Bones®: for the optimal health of your bones and joints

Happy and Healthy Bones and Joints: Buff Bones®

The most positive and empowering movement experience for those wanting to improve their bone health and develop more strength, better balance and functional movement for a healthy and happy life. Safe for those with osteoporosis or bone density issues and definitely a workout! A true somatic system that should be the centrepiece of any integrated system for bone and joint health.

See my events calendar to see when the next course is running.


Healthy bones and joints matter

In the UK 1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men over the age of 50 will break a bone and 3 million are estimated to have osteoporosis (Source, NOS). That's not an excuse to do nothing, in fact exercise has so many positive aspects to your life and it is recommended that you do exercise! But how to exercise not only safely but effectively? Is your movement system really addressing the needs that you have?

The award-winning, medically-endorsed Buff Bones® system for bone and joint health is now available in Shropshire and London. The system uses varied and specific bone-strengthening and balance techniques for a safe option for people with osteoporosis and arthritis.

Buff Bones® has been recommended in the USA by the former U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona, M.D., calling Buff Bones® “an excellent resource to continue to improve America’s bone health.”

Created by my teacher, Rebekah Rotstein, a globally renowned bone health and exercise expert who was just 28 when she was diagnosed with osteoporosis, a condition of excessive low bone mass and fragility. She found that people with osteoporosis and osteopenia (its precursor) were often uncertain of what type of exercise to do and concerned about safety.

About Buff Bones®

“The Buff Bones® system is based on a research-supported design and combines Pilates, strength training, functional movement and therapeutic exercise,” says Rebekah. “It also uses techniques to align the joints, enhance posture and balance and prepare the body for optimal loading of the bones, which is how they strengthen. I recommend the Buff Bones® system for anyone who has osteoporosis or wants to prevent it."

According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, exercise is one of the most essential strategies for building and maintaining strong bones and preventing falls and fractures: “Targeted exercise is especially important in that it helps to build muscle strength, improve balance and posture, and maintain bone mass.”

The Buff Bones® workout has gained popularity as well for toning the body and enhancing flexibility. The movements are beneficial for people who have suffered from general injuries and are also useful for enhancing the skillset of athletes and dancers.

I am a certified Buff Bones® instructor having been qualified following a comprehensive training course and I take yearly development courses with Buff Bones. I have also been Rebekah’s teaching assistant for the Buff Bones® instructors in the United Kingdom for all of the trainings since 2018, and online since 2020 and hopefully back in person in 2022!

Empowering movement delivering results

I love teaching Buff Bones® - it is a fantastic system to teach and I have seen time and time again the results it produces - not only high quality exercise that can be adapted to a whole spectrum of people of different ages but because of its empowering nature it is also produces other results that are equally important. As my clients have developed more confidence in their ability to move, and they also have more control and confidence in their own lives and freedom to get on with living.

At the frontier of current scientific research - a highly intelligent movement system.

The system is a somatic movement system. Strength without any felt sense is worth something but is not optimal because our command centre - our brain needs to be able to co ordinate movement and make it efficient. Additionally, Buff Bones® has been developed to harness something called Biotensegrity, which is a new concept to the movement world. Our physical structures such as muscles, bones, fascia, ligaments and tendons are made strong by the unison of tensioned and compressed parts. We harness forces of pushing our limbs either through the space or using the floor to develop greater strength and integrity in our own bodies. Think of your body like putting a tent up - if one of the wires is slightly loose then the tent is more vulnerable. Our bodies operate in a similar way - we leverage our structures - our bones, muscles and fascia to gain greater integrity within our own bodies.

Buff Bones or Pilates?

I love both and I teach both. However, if you have issues with your bone density or spine I really recommend this system as it has distinct advantages over Pilates. Book a call with me to find out the difference between the two.

Come and experience it for yourself…

Semi Private Group Courses run on Livestream - see studio calendar or events for details of the next course.

You will definitely need to contact me before booking onto the course as it will be within a semi private setting and places are limited to just 5 in a class. Just like all of my Pilates clients, the Buff Bones® clients have their own assessment with me as part of their programme to check it is right for you.

Contact me directly so I can let you know when it starts again!

For 1:1 sessions please contact me directly.

It is suitable for anyone who can get up and down unaided from the floor who is looking for movement and a workout. You may have bone density issues but you have not experienced a fracture.

I’m hoping to open up different styles of Buff Bones® classes that help people that prefer working at a very slow pace, and one for those who cannot get up and down from the floor unaided in the future. If this interests you please email me directly as I am gathering a small list!

Sometimes, it may be necessary to work with me 1:1 for a while before transferring into class - when in doubt please just get in touch.

Everyone has a different journey, so I hope I can help you on your own journey!

Text © Buff Bones and Sarah Pritchard 2021.